This was a very successful project despite the inevitable delays caused by Covid. The project was supported by Royal Opera House Bridge and funded by the DfE. It took place over two years and involved 11 Primary schools and 3 modules - drama, visual arts and music. The final module took place online.
Each module began with an Inspiration Day led by a cultural practitioner and ensured that the participating teachers had plenty of practical ideas to take back to their classrooms. Writing samples for focus children were collected before and after each module in order to assess the contribution that the input had made on their creative writing. The teachers were also able to communicate with each others via a group WhatsApp. At the end of each module a follow up session was held to evaluate the success of the input.
Inspiration Days were led by Meera Cheera (Visual Arts); Sarah Goldsmith ( EMEH. Music) and Tippy (Mercury Theatre).
Teacher comments:
'Some great practical ideas'
'The experts have been great in sharing advice"
We hope to arrange this project again possibly working with some new cultural partners.